I saw something online that resonates with me about my MBC journey.

“And then it happened….one day you wake up, and you’re in this place: you’re in the place where everything feels right. Your heart is calm. Your soul is lit. Your thoughts are positive. Your vision is clear. You’re at peace with where you have been, at peace with what you have been through, and at peace with where you are headed.”

Today, I’m at peace, blessed, and grateful as I prepare to bike the Katy Trail with my two sisters. Ten months ago, when I was diagnosed with MBC, I never thought I would be at this point. Peace, a calm sense free from anxiety, fills me. I’m blessed to be feeling good and able to embark on another Sister Sojourn adventure. I’m grateful for the support and encouragement of family and friends.

I’m particularly amazed by the support from a group of bike riders from Missouri I have never met. I look forward to meeting them when they join us on our last day, personally thanking them for their support and generosity. Who knew that biking and breast cancer would create a bond across the miles?

I truly wish everyone could experience peace and contentment in their lives. Look for the blessings and enjoy the journey.

– Brandi

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