In August 2023, my life changed forever when I received a phone call confirming my tests, scans, and biopsy results. The diagnosis was metastatic breast cancer (MBC). I remember telling the doctor that there are so many things about this diagnosis that make me sad, but the most heartbreaking is the thought of not living to see my grandchildren.

If I thought the MBC diagnosis was life-changing, then the even more life-changing news I just received is even bigger. It’s even better. It’s the best.

Mark and I are going to be grandparents! Olivia and Josh will welcome their first child in September. I’m going to be a grandmother! Now for the big decisions: Should I be Grammy, Nanny, Gram, Nana, Mom-ma, or Grannie? And will Mark be Pap, Pops, Grandpa, or Pappy? Decisions, decisions…

— Brandi

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